For someone who isn't exactly working, I manage to stay pretty busy... so busy that I haven't been blogging as much as I thought I would be (considering my husband is gone so much).
But what I've been meaning to get around to is talking about "work." Last month I was offered an opportunity to do contract work - not contract law, but to work hourly under contract to provide legal services. It took a few weeks to get everything lined up, but I have officially started doing some contract work. While I am kind of on a trial or test for now, I am hoping that my work is to their satisfaction so that I can continue this work. There are some deadlines, but nothing intense. The best part is the flexibility. I can work whenever, wherever. It's great, I can work late at night after Mr.
Dawkter has gone to sleep, or I can work during the day, or I can work at my parents house when I go there to visit. It is absolutely wonderful!
Today for example: The husband was on call last night, so I stayed up late doing things around the house, got up early and again did more things around the house, worked out and when he came home in the afternoon (post-call) I was able to take a nice nap with him. It was fabulous. Its little things like this that make this adjustment to residency
, so much easier! Don't get me wrong it hasn't been totally easy, it's hard going from seeing your spouse every day, even all day (we had about a month between medical school and residency) to seeing them perhaps one waking hour a day - but it has been easier because I've been around. Being home (and now being able to work from home
- hopefully) allows me to get everything done around the house, and to spend time with Mr. D when he is home. I've really been enjoying all the baking and cooking I've had time to do as well. For example, tonight he had a visiting resident over for dinner and I cooked ribs, corn on the cob, sweet potato fries, zucchini with eggplant and a chocolate sauce cake
ala mode for dessert!
Yum! None of this I would have had time to do if I was working 40+ hours a week and commuting!
So I am hoping and praying that this contract work will work out, because it would be such a blessing!
Although I have been on the lookout for a money tree - because despite what many people may
think, residents don't make a ton of money (especially considering the number of hours they work). But my search has thus been fruitless, I have found no money tree, and so I need to work in order to make sure we can make ends meet. But if any of you happen to know where I can find a money tree, I would really really appreciate it if you could share that information with me.
Seriously, wouldn't it be nice if we had money trees?